SPA-LTC Alliance Information
The Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care Alliance is a national collaboration of people who aim to improve the quality of living and dying within long-term care homes.
The Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care Alliance is a national collaboration of people who aim to improve the quality of living and dying within long-term care homes.
The goal of this study was to examine how palliative care principles (PCP) can best be integrated in LTC is a pressing issue by exploring the tensions associated with caring for the living and dying within one care
community and informing how PCP may be improved.
This study explores the development and use of five condition specific pamphlets aimed at supporting LTC staffs’ capacity to (a) inform residents and families about the trajectory of their primary medical condition and (b) initiate conversations about EOL care.
This research brief explores perceptions about compassion when delivering palliative care from the perspective of residents, family members, and healthcare providers in LTC. It identifies potential facilitators and barriers associated with providing compassionate care to residences in Canadian LTC settings.
The aim of this paper is to explore the readiness of Canadian LTC homes for a palliative care mandate by exploring (1) efficacy for palliative care, (2) self-reported patient-centered behaviour relevant to palliative care, and (3) quality of work life at LTC homes in four Canadian provinces.
An increasing number of residents require a palliative approach to care in long-term care (LTC) homes; these settings are ill-prepared and often provide sub-optimal palliative care. The SPA-LTC program is a novel intervention that addresses these issues by building capacity among LTC staff to improve the delivery
of a palliative approach.
BACKGROUND: Consistent guidelines and policies have the potential to improve quality of life in residents living in long-term care (LTC) settings by standardizing and promoting comprehensiveness in palliative care
RESEARCH TOPIC: To analyze the extent of palliative content across high-level guiding documents related to the care of persons residing in Canadian LTC homes
To analyze components of the current palliative model of care in LTC and refine them for use within a Canadian context